Contact Us Today

Phone Numbers

Office Number: (979) 823-5495

Fax Number: (979) 779-9213

Emergencies: (979) 361-5078



Kingdom Animal Hospital

824 East Villa Maria Rd
Bryan, TX 77802-533

Hours of Operation

Office Hours

Monday – Friday :

Office Hours: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM

Doctors Hours: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM


Office Hours: 8:30 AM – Noon

Doctor’s Hours: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Please call for an appointment. We also accept morning patient drop-offs to make it convenient for your busy schedule.

Appointments are appreciated to ensure that your pet is seen in a timely manner. However, we generally accept walk-in appointments as time permits.

After Hours

After Hours Emergency Procedures

For after-hours emergencies of established clients, please contact Kingdom Animal Hospital’s emergency service call center at (979) 361-5078.

If your pet has to stay at the TAMU emergency facility, you can request that they be released to your regular veterinarians the next working day.

NOTE: When registering at TAMU please be sure that you write Kingdom Animal Hospital as the referring veterinarian, otherwise we will not be informed of your pet’s emergency!